Liesbeth Tempelaere


Liesbeth Tempelaere

graphic designer
and curly hair survivor

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Hellooo there,

I am a graphic designer from Ghent in Belgium. In 2017 I graduated as a Bachelor of Graphical and Digital Media specialized in Cross-Media Design at the Artevelde University College Ghent. Design, illustration and art are my passion! My life’s mission is to cleanse this planet from all ugly design and boringness.

Currently I am working as a graphic designer in Ghent.
If you are interested to offer me a job, please check out my resume!



Bachelor of Graphical and Digital Media,
Artevelde University College Ghent

Specialization: Cross-Media Design (Graphic Design),
September 2014 - June 2017

Visual and Architectural Education,
Sint-Lucas Antwerpen KSO

2010 - 2014 (diploma secondary school)

Visual Arts, Academie Mechelen DKO

2005 - 2016 (graduate diploma and first prize graduated students)

Classical Ballet, Conservatorium Mechelen DKO

2004 - 2014 (graduate diploma)

Speech/Verbal Skills, Conservatorium Mechelen DKO

2006 - 2009 (certificate)

Download my resume here



  • Graphic Design
  • Illustration
  • E-design
  • Advertising
  • Branding
  • Concept Design

Technical Abilities

  • Adobe Creative Cloud
    • Photoshop
    • Illustrator
    • InDesign
    • Acrobat Pro
  • Drawing / Painting (various techniques)
  • Microsoft Office
  • HTML / CSS (basics)
  • Languages
    • Dutch
    • English
    • French


Coordinating function, Kinderstad Mechelen (Vlieg)

August 2014 (summer job)

In this job I had to manage an imaginary city built by children and their parents. The theme was “dream-city”.

Cooking Instructor, Top Vakantie

August 2015/2016 (summer job)

Top Vakantie organizes theme vacations for children. I gave cooking lessons to 14-18 year olds in a professional kitchen.

Interested? Please take a look at my work or contact me!

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Liesbeth Tempelaere
Ghent, Belgium

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